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Mike Pompeo’s Appearances on Frank Gaffney’s ‘Secure Freedom Radio’ Validate His Fitness

Washington, D.C.—Secretary of State-designate Mike Pompeo will have his confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday, and President Donald Trump’s critics are desperate to find something objectionable about this superb choice for America’s next top diplomat. Indeed, so highly regarded is Pompeo that fully 15 Democratic Senators voted last year to confirm him in the no-less-sensitive post of Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Such is the critics’ desperation that some have actually seized upon Pompeo’s periodic appearances on Frank Gaffney’s nationally syndicated “Secure Freedom Radio” program when he was a Congressman from Kansas as grounds for opposing this nomination. Fortunately, a similar complaint about Trump’s choice for his new National Security Adviser, Amb. John Bolton, was rightly seen as immaterial to his fitness for that job.

In fact, far from disqualifying these men for public service, their interviews on “Secure Freedom Radio” offer proof that they are precisely the sorts of high-caliber policy practitioners the times require. In nearly nine years of broadcasts, Gaffney has featured over 1,000 serious conversations with many of the world’s top government officials—both past and present—lawmakers, military leaders, defense and foreign policy experts, influential journalists and commentators, and freedom fighters about the major challenges facing our country, and the free world more generally.

It is the very seriousness of “Secure Freedom Radio” broadcasts, and the fact that they consistently involve topics and guests abhorred by President Trump’s critics, that detractors would have Senators believe should be disqualifying for Pompeo. This is not just a transparent effort at censorship—what former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton infamously pledged to engage in under the rubric of “old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel they have the support to do what we abhor.” It is also a brazen bid to prevent the American people from having access to information about present and emerging threats, and appropriate policy responses, about which they have a need-to-know.

Gaffney responded to such attacks on Mike Pompeo and John Bolton with the following statement:

“‘Secure Freedom Radio’ is the place where national security policy-makers come both to listen and contribute to extraordinary rich conversations about today’s national security and foreign policy challenges. We have been proud to feature guests of the quality of Secretary of State-designate Pompeo and National Security Adviser Bolton and feel certain that the prominence being accorded to our program, albeit for malicious purposes, will encourage listeners desperate for serious, informed and timely information relevant to their security, and that of our country. Listeners can tune in to our weeknight national broadcast on AM 570 The Answer in Washington, D.C., American Family Radio Network (nearly 200 stations nationwide), and on their favorite podcast services.”

Click here to listen to sample programs of “Secure Freedom Radio” programs.

Gaffney formerly acted as an Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan. He is the president and founder of the Center for Security Policy, now in its 30th year of operations. Gaffney also broadcasts a nationally syndicated commentary, the “Secure Freedom Minute,” which airs daily on nearly 400 stations, including the American Family Radio, Bott and Kingdom Keys radio networks.

For credentials to air “Secure Freedom Minute” or “Secure Freedom Radio,” contact Michael Hamilton, MHamilton@hamiltonstrategies.com or (610) 584-1096, ext. 101.

View the media page for the Center here or visit the Center for Security Policy website for more information on the organization.
