Hamilton Strategies Non Profit Marketing and Media Services

May 18, 2017

Ten years ago, financial expert and nationally syndicated radio and television host Dan Celia read the book “Dereliction of Duty” by H.R. McMaster—and it stuck with him.

“I couldn’t help but think the same term applies to former FBI Director James Comey—and The New York Times,” Celia wrote in a brand new op-ed this morning in Townhall.com. “If this alleged memo by Comey is real, offering it up three months after the fact seems to be a self-incriminating piece of information—this from a former FBI director who was supposedly serving the American people.

“All this says to me that Comey is openly admitting his dereliction of duty,” he continued. “Apparently, he did not feel it necessary to immediately report this conversation with the president—or Trump’s request—to the House Intelligence Committee. … If this memo is accurate, should there not be an immediate investigation of the personal conduct of the former FBI director? Has his dereliction of duty created any other ethical issues for other investigations on his watch?

“To take this further, is this just the tip of the iceberg? As a result of Comey’s leadership, is there a culture that says accountability to the people and supplying information to the congressional oversight committee are unnecessary?”

Read Celia’s entire Townhall oped here.

To interview Dan Celia, who leads Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, www.financialissues.org), about this headline and others, contact Beth Harrison, 610-584-1096, x104, Media@HamiltonStrategies.com, or Deborah Hamilton, 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096, x102.